Rabu, 05 Desember 2012


Menyelesaikan Soal Aljabar Menggunakan Software Bagatrix Algebra Solved

Nama                     : Riwut Ajeng Mrantasi
NIM                      : 1001125156
Mata Kuliah         : Aplikasi Komputer
Dosen Pengampu : Risqi Rahman, M.Pd

User’s Guide
Strat Algebra Solved
Klik Start → All Programs Bagatrix Algebra Solved

The primary functions of Algebra Solved! Can be found on the Main Toolbar:
Notebook → Creates a new Notebook, which will hold all of your problems, graphs, tests, documents, and tutorials. When a Notebook is saved, all items in the notebook are saved.
Problem → Enter in your own problems, or view example problems. The problems are then solved with step-by-step explanations.
Graph →Create graphs of your problems.
Test → Create printable tests, and also interactive multiple choice tests.
Document → Create a document using math symbols. You can copy and paste your problems and tests directly into the document.
Open →Open your saved Notebooks.
Save →Save the current Notebook, containing all your problems, graphs, tests, documents, and tutorials. Settings are also saved in the Notebook.
Print → Prints the content of the current window.
Sign In →Multiple choice test data is saved when a student is signed in.
Data → View test data of the student that is currently signed in.
Web → Visit the Bagatrix website.

Answer → Generates the step-by-step answer to the problem entered on the screen, using the method displayed in the Automatic Topic Selector.
Example → Enters an example problem onto the paper. After clicking Example, a topic must be selected from the Select a Subject screen. You can select the difficulty of the example problem on this screen as well. The default difficulty can be set on the Options screen by right-clicking on the paper and selecting
Options All Options
Graph →When this icon is enabled, you can graph the solution to the problem.
Step → Displays the next step in the problem solving process. If the option Show Step-by-Step is selected, the Step button will move one step at a time. If not, the entire problem will be displayed when the Step button is clicked.
Note: When there are multiple papers on the screen, you can slide the pages by clicking and dragging them with the mouse. You can quickly arrange the papers
by right-clicking on a page and selecting Arrange papers. You can also save a page as an image by right-clicking on a page and selecting Export Page Image.
Insert →Launches Quick Insert, a tool to insert various mathematical symbols and expressions into the problem.
Erase →Erases the problem and steps from the paper. If Leave original problem is checked, only the steps are erased and the original problem is left on the screen.

Problem 1
1.    Saat ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana caranya menggunakan Problem, klik Tool Problem pada kotak Create New Notebook, dan terbukalah kotak dialog problem seperti berikut.

2.      Sekarang kita akan mencoba dengan soal x2 - 4x + 4 = 0 . Tuliskan persoalan yang ingin diselesaikan pada kotak dialog Problem 1, seperti gambar dibawah:

3.Setelah itu klik Answer dan kemudian klik Step untuk melihat hasil dari penyelesaian soal tersebut langkah demi langkah secara terurut.
4.      Lalu tunggu prosesnya sampai muncul tanda kedap kedip dari step yang berada di sebelah answer
5.      Setelah itu klik step, fungsi step disini adalah untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah hasil dari soal x2 - 4x + 4 = 0
6.    Lalu klik step terus hingga lampu step tidak menyala lagi, itu menandakan bahwa langkah-langkah hasil dari soal diatas telah selesai dan hasil akhirnya berada di paling akhir yaitu jawabannya ......

  Pada akhir penyelesaian soal akan terdapat tanda ceklis berwarna hijau yang menunjukkan bahwa langkah penyelesaian soal telah selesai dan hasil akhir dari penyelesaian soal telah didapatkan
      Untuk membuat grafik klik Graph
7. Lalu akan muncul hasilnya, garis merah merupakan hasil dari permasalah di atas ......

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